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In order to run an affordable, and free, English center, we rely largely on your generous donations - they keep us afloat!


If you'd like to get involved but cannot be here in person, physical and financial donations are equally as valuable! 

Here are our current needs: 


  • English books for our library

  • Classroom supplies such as: pens, pencils, notebooks, dry erase markers, coloring books, etc.


  • Money to pay our monthly rent, wifi, electricity, and water bills

  • Funds for water and snacks for the students 

  • Money to fund scholarships for the most low-income students 


You can donate by clicking the 'donate' button below. If you'd like to donate supplies, please contact us via our 'contact' page. 

Thank you SO MUCH for your incredible support! You are making a significant difference in the lives of our students.


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